Take a moment to think about all the concerns you have about the condition of your skin. Is there just one issue, or do you have multiple problems that need to be dealt with? For most of us, having only one skin concern would be a blessing. Is there any way to tackle multiple skin concerns at one time? At Refresh Evolution in Pitt Meadows, BC we know the key to perfect skin is chemical peels, one of the most trusted and reliable cosmetic treatments of all time.

9 Things to Expect About Chemical Peel Results

Chemical peels have a long, lauded history that has withstood the test of time because the results are nothing short of miraculous. Ask any skincare professional and they’ll tell you that the best beauty secrets are usually the most simple. So, what is it about these peels that produces such great results? We’re happy to break it down for you before you call to schedule your initial consultation!

1. Different Peels Have Different Results

How long does a chemical peel last? Frankly, the results of a chemical peel depend on the type of peel used for treatment. Many patients want to know how long they can enjoy results right from the start, so it’s important to understand that how long your results last rely entirely on the exact treatment you have.

Light Peels

Light peels are the most common type of cosmetic chemical peel treatment, but they also have the most variation in terms of results. A light peel generally lasts for about 1 to 2 months at a time when you first start using the treatment. Over time, the results of a light peel can last for about 6 months.

Medium Peels

Medium peels are the second most common type of peel as well as the second most intense peel. The results of a medium peel can last for 2 to 4 months at a time right from the start and can last 6 months or a little more after repeated treatments.

Deep Peels

Deep peels are a more rare peel that is typically used medically rather than cosmetically. The results of a deep peel can last decades at a time, and sometimes even a lifetime. The results of a deep peel are near-permanent because a deep peel is generally only used for serious health concerns.

2. Results Vary Peel to Peel

The results of a chemical peel also vary depending on the type of peel treatment. This is because each type of peel has a different level of intensity, or a different degree to how deeply it penetrates and treats the skin. To understand why the results vary peel to peel, you should also understand what each type of peel does to the skin.

Light Peels

Light peels are the most common type because they are the most generalized peel. Light peels don’t have a particular specialty. Instead, a light peel is helpful in addressing virtually all skin or appearance concerns. Light peels can be used more frequently than other types of peels, and they are also easier to recover from.

A light peel refers to the light intensity of the chemical being used for the peel. It is common to use AHA, lactic acid, or glycolic acid for a light chemical peel. As a lighter peel, these mild intensity chemicals penetrate only the first few layers of skin to exfoliate and treat any issues in the sub-dermal layers. Light peels are used to treat acne, reduce acne scarring, shrink enlarged pores, smooth skin tone and texture, correct sun damage, minimize fine lines, and much more.

Medium Peels

As the second most commonly used chemical peel, medium peels are also used to address multiple skin issues at one time. However, medium peels are also specialized in a way. It is common for medium peels to be used for anti-aging purposes, particularly to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots. Medium peels can also be used to minimize the appearance of scars, including more severe acne scarring. Medium peels commonly use TCA or refined glycolic acids to exfoliate additional layers of skin and treat the sub-dermal layers.

Deep Peels

Deep peels are not used frequently. In fact, most physicians recommend only using deep peels once in a lifetime. This is because deep chemical peels use high intensity acid to address major health concerns. For example, deep chemical peels are used to removed melanoma cells from the skin and prevent the cancerous cells from returning. Deep peels are also sometimes used for a one-time removal of deep scars or wrinkles.

3. Light Chemical Peels Can Be Frequent

Light peels can and should be used frequently. At our clinic, we recommend patients using light peels have a cluster of several initial treatments to achieve ideal results and then graduate to less frequent additional treatments to maintain results. This is because the results of light peels build on each other over a period of time, gradually improving the appearance and quality of the skin.

Initial Treatments

Most patients require about 4 to 6 light peels, spaced 1 to 2 months apart, to achieve desired results. The time between the peels allows skin cells to renew and turn over, with each subsequent peel exfoliating cells and treating new cells just beneath the skin surface. The number of initial treatments you need will depend on your exact skin concerns.

Maintenance Treatments

After you have reached your desired results, you will need to maintain those results with regularly scheduled maintenance treatments. Most patients schedule these treatments every 6 months, although some patients prefer every 4 months if they have aging skin. We will help you determine the best frequency for your maintenance treatments.

Medium peels can also be used frequently to achieve and maintain results. As a general rule, medium peels will require only 2 to 3 initial treatments, spaced about 2 months apart, to achieve ideal results. Maintaining results of a medium peel can be done using a light peel or a medium peel once every 6 months.

4. Results Depend on Recovery

Regardless of the type of peel intensity of your treatment, the results of your peel will depend on your recovery. Specifically, your results will rely on how you take care of your skin during your recovery period. Although there is no downtime associated with a chemical peel and you are free to return to all normal daily activities, there are some things you should know about your recovery time.

Your Recovery

Your initial recovery will be about 3 to 7 days after your peel, which is when your skin is sensitive and the most vulnerable. To protect your skin, we advise patients to avoid direct sun exposure and to wear SPF 30 or greater. After 7 to 10 days, your new skin cells will have turned over, finished peeling, and will be less vulnerable to sunlight, pollution, or other exposure.

5. Your Results Might Not Include Peeling

Surely every chemical peel will include peeling skin, right? It’s right there in the name! But the truth is that, under certain circumstances, the results of your chemical peel might not include peeling skin. Here are a few reasons why:

Regular Treatments

Regular peels, particularly during your initial cluster of treatments, may mean you won’t have to deal with peeling skin. Why? It’s a simple matter of your surface skin having an appropriate balance of dead skin cells, meaning that the peel doesn’t have much to exfoliate or peel away. But just because you’re not peeling doesn’t mean that the treatment isn’t working. In fact, we consider it an encouraging sign when your skin no longer peels after treatment, as it means that the chemical is compatible with your skin and your needs.

Regular Exfoliation

Patients who exfoliate regularly between peel treatments, either at home or with other cosmetic treatments, may also avoid skin peeling after treatment. This is because, once again, there are fewer dead skin cells that are removed during the peel treatment.

Regular Skin Cells

Patients who don’t experience peeling during their treatment may also simply be blessed with having regular skin cell turn over. While patients with chronically dry or rough skin have an obvious issue shedding dead skin cells, other patients may be able to naturally turn over skin cells without additional help, and that means less peeling after a chemical peel.

6. Good Results Come With Good Skin Care

Good results after a chemical peel also rely on good skincare. As a point of fact, proper skincare habits lead to better skin overall. This is particularly true when you are taking care of the new skin that is revealed by a chemical peel. Here are some tips on how to use good skincare to get good results:


The best cleanser after a chemical peel is one that is gentle, made for sensitive skin, and does not have any harsh chemicals, dyes, or fragrances. This means staying away from cleansers designed for acne-prone skin and opting for oil-based and non-comedogenic products.


Regular moisturizing is also key to helping your new skin acclimate to the surface. Both day and night moisturizers are recommended to maintain the moisture balance of recovering skin.


You can also use facial serums to treat new skin, such as serums made with enriched vitamins or hyaluronic acids.


Wearing daily SPF with a strength of at least 30 or greater is also key to helping new skin recover. This is especially true for patients who are using peels to correct sun damage. Protecting your skin from the sun with SPF is also a way to protect the results of your peel.

Other Home Products

Some patients use other home products, such as sheet masks, to soothe recovering skin. Patients also commonly use Vaseline to protect the skin, particularly from wind and cold weather.

7. You Can Prep Your Skin for Better Results

Some patients find that the best results come from preparing the skin for treatment. There are several ways patients can help make sure they are prepping their skin for the best possible results, including:

Month Before Peel

About a month before your peel it is a good idea to begin a new regular skincare routine. Ideally, you want to select cleansers, moisturizers, and serums that have active ingredients that will complement the acid of your peel. We will work with you to help you find the skincare products that best match the needs of your skin.

Weeks Before Peel

About a week before your peel, we recommend you postpone any cosmetic treatments using lasers or wax. You can schedule treatments such as dermaplaning about 1 to 2 weeks before your treatment. We also encourage you to limit your sun exposure at this time.

Days Before Peel

About 2 to 3 days before your peel, we advise stopping the use of certain skincare products containing active ingredients such as Retinol, AHA, or BHA. We also encourage patients to drink plenty of water to help skin maintain its moisture balance after the peel.

8. Other Treatments Can Enhance Chemical Peel Results

There are other treatments you can use to help enhance the results of your peel as well as your overall appearance goals. We will work with you to help you find any additional cosmetic treatments that will help you achieve your ideal appearance. Some of these treatments may include:


Injectable treatments include dermal fillers to restore facial volume and tighten skin as well as neurotoxins to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and work best about 4 weeks before treatment.

Skin Tightening

Skin tightening treatments include laser treatments and microneedling, although these treatments should be scheduled at least 3 weeks before your chemical peel.


Dermaplaning about 2 weeks before treatment to remove peach fuzz and exfoliate the surface layer of skin can help the chemical peel work better.

9. There Are Countless Beneficial Results

A chemical peel is used to correct any number of skin concerns. Because this treatment is so versatile and customizable, it can:

  • Smooth skin tone and texture
  • Reduce fine lines
  • Correct skin damage
  • Eliminate dark spots
  • Prevent breakouts
  • Boost collagen production
  • Diminish acne scars and enlarged pores
  • Improve rosacea

Are You a Good Candidate?

All patients who are interested in chemical peel treatments will need to attend a consultation, which includes a skin analysis that helps us select the best peel for your skin needs and your appearance goals. Good candidates include patients who prefer simple, non-invasive treatments and who are seeking to correct multiple skin concerns. Most patients who are interested in this treatment are qualified candidates.

Perfect Your Skin With Long Lasting Chemical Peel Results!

Dating back to Ancient Egypt and Cleopatra’s penchant for using spoiled milk to maintain her beauty, chemical peels are one of the oldest beauty treatments in the world. Modern-day chemical peels have been updated to be more versatile and customizable, but the fact remains that this basic cosmetic treatment deserves its reputation.

And, of course, the best thing about chemical peels are the results. If you think the key to perfecting your skin is with long-lasting chemical peel results, contact Refresh Evolution in Pitt Meadows, BC to schedule your initial consultation today!