RF Microneedling
Fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and skin that has lost its firm youthfulness may make you look older than your years. Now, thanks to Microneedling with radiofrequency, there is a minimally-invasive treatment that will revitalize your complexion.

What is RF Microneedling?
RF (radiofrequency) microneedling is an excellent cosmetic treatment for those who desire smooth, rejuvenated skin without having to undergo a highly invasive surgical procedure. During your consultation, we’ll perform an initial examination of your skin to determine if RF (radiofrequency) microneedling is the appropriate treatment option for you. Good candidates are those who have mild to moderate signs of aging, are in good general health, and have realistic expectations.

Benefits of our RF Microneedling treatment
This treatment has been shown to have overall rejuvenating effects on the skin, such as improving skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles; increasing volume via the increased production of collagen and elastin; and by diminishing and improving the appearance of scars. Other benefits include minimal downtime, minimal risk, short recovery time, natural-looking results, no general anesthesia is required.
Radiofrequency microneedling may help lessen the severity of melasma by gently distributing the pigment to minimize its presentation. Lighter-skinned people can also benefit from RF microneedling as well because the dark pigment in the skin is not such a concern. There is no downtime and the procedure includes a topical numbing cream for added comfort and takes less than an hour.
If you suffer from acne scars, traumatic scars or have other textural problems with your skin, RF microneedling may be right for you. Patients that have had this procedure report amazing textural improvement even after the first treatment.
Microneedling uses a fine needle to create microwounds, or channels, in the skin. This triggers the production of capillaries, elastin, and collagen. It’s also called skin needling or collagen induction therapy.
If the procedure also uses radiofrequency waves, it’s called radiofrequency microneedling. The needle releases radiofrequency into the channels, causing additional damage. This enhances the effects of standard microneedling.
The skin that grows back is thicker and smoother. This can target:
- fine lines
- wrinkles
- stretch marks
- appearance of large pores
- acne scars
- scars from injury or surgery
- hyperpigmentation
- loose, sagging skin
- cellulite
- hyperhidrosis
RF Microneedling leaves you with a new glow to your skin!
RF (radiofrequency) microneedling is an excellent cosmetic treatment for those who desire smooth, rejuvenated skin without having to undergo a highly invasive surgical procedure. During your consultation, we’ll perform an initial examination of your skin to determine if RF (radiofrequency) microneedling is the appropriate treatment option for you. Good candidates are those who have mild to moderate signs of aging, are in good general health, and have realistic expectations.
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